Gifted Education Program

Gifted Word Cloud


Department Chair: Ms. Gina Burke

Gifted Resource Teachers: Mr. Ben King, Mrs. Jean Weber, and Ms. Kendra Yount

Gifted Education Mission Statement:

In Prince William County Public Schools, our vision centers on the concept that "all students will learn to their fullest potential." Our school division philosophy of gifted education reflects this vision. Gifted education services are designed to foster the academic development of advanced learners.

At Battlefield High School, we are committed to offering the best in differentiated services for our gifted students. Our mission is to provide relevant quality educational opportunities for all students to develop the skills necessary to reach their maximum potential as responsible, productive citizens, and lifelong learners. We realize gifted students have exceptional educational needs which must be met in order for them to reach their full potential, both intellectually and emotionally. In order to fulfill these educational needs, gifted education services at Battlefield High School are offered in the form of:

  • Pull-out Socratic seminars, which are open-ended, interdisciplinary discussions emphasizing critical thinking, problem solving, communication and metacognitive skills. These seminars will be offered during every period for two days and FLEX during the scheduled grade level seminar. The seminar schedule is available in the Canvas Gifted module.
  • GEMS 12 (Gifted Educational Multidisciplinary Studies with Research) course offered during the 12th grade, which focuses on the foundations of philosophy.
  • Independent study.
  • Gifted students also have the opportunity to apply for the Residential Governor's Schools and the Governor's School @ Innovation Park for math and science.


Gifted service options offered to all grade levels during the 2022-23 school year:


Pull-out Seminar

Independent Study

GEMS: Foundation of Philosophy

AP Capstone

2-year program

Grade 9





Grade 10





Grade 11





Grade 12





Courses marked with an "*" are projected to be available for those grade levels starting in the 2023-24 school year.

Course marked with an "**" is projected to be available for that grade level starting in the 2024-25 school year as long as the first level of AP Capstone was taken and successfully completed.