Battlefield High School SAC
In accordance with School Board Policy 230.01 and School Board Regulation 230.01-1 mandated by Prince William County Public Schools, the Battlefield High School School Advisory Council (SAC) serves in an advisory function to the principal. Membership consists of school administrators, school faculty members, school support personnel, student/class representatives, Student Council Association (SCA) representatives, parents of students in each graduating year, and additional members of the Battlefield community.
Battlefield's SAC has many responsibilities:
- To assist the principal in the establishment of program priorities to meet the educational needs of all students.
- To facilitate intra-school and inter-community communication.
- To assist in developing and evaluating the annual continuous improvement plan.
- To gain commitment to common school goals.
- To make recommendations to the dvision by identifying educational concerns having divisionwide implications.
- To represent their stakeholder community.
Meetings are held according to the schedule posted below. Parents and students may contact any member of the SAC with comments, questions, or concerns regarding SAC responsibilities. Non-members may comment during a SAC meeting when prearranged by the Chairperson or Advisory Council officer. All comments should be for the good of the school plan and community at large. Personal concerns should be shared with appropriate school staff, not SAC.
In order to enhance community engagement, Battlefield High School parents, students, and staff are able to sign up to speak at the beginning of SAC Meetings. The purpose is to hear ideas, requests, questions, and concerns about the school that will lead to overall school improvement. This is not a time for individual concerns, personnel complaints, or non-school related items. Please contact the school directly with any individual needs you may have.
This time will give SAC some guidance on issues to address and break barriers and build bridges to family-school relationships.